Produkty dla en organizacja (4619)

Krem przeciwstarzeniowy do twarzy i okolic oczu Staminax

Krem przeciwstarzeniowy do twarzy i okolic oczu Staminax

Crema Anti-Age Scopri il Prodotto L'azione anti-age della crema viso e contorno occhi Staminax è determinata dalla sapiente miscelazione di ingredienti della tradizione cosmetica con attivi innovativi. Contiene un preparato brevettato di due principi attivi estratti da cellule staminali vegetali, per una tripla azione, dalla rivoluzionaria performance anti-age. La crema viso e contorno occhi anti-Age Staminax è sviluppata, prodotta e confezionata in Italia da professionisti farmaceutici e cosmetici con esperienza decennale. La Formula I due attivi, sono inclusi in una formula preziosa, con Olio d'Argan, Olio di Jojoba, Olio di Vinaccioli e Burro di Karatè. Per un prodotto sublime 99,8% di ingredienti Naturali 50,2% di ingredienti Biologici Senza Profumo Senza Parabeni Senza OGM Senza derivati animali Vegano Non testato su animali L'Efficacia Il potere Anti-Age della crema viso e contorno occhi Staminax è garantito dall'alto contenuto di estratti da cellule staminali vegetali. Il primo stimola le nostre cellule a produrre collagene normalmente presente nella pelle umana, donando elasticità alla pelle, prevenendo e riducendo le rughe. Il secondo stimola la degradazione della bilirubina riducendo le occhiaie e migliora la microcircolazione riducendo le occhiaie. Gli Studi Sicurezza e Efficacia: Dermatologicamente testato su pelli sensibili, studio condotto su 25 volontari e sotto supervisione di un medico dermatologo. Nichel Tested Testato per altri 8 metalli pesanti Efficacia testa in Vivo, studio condotto su 30 volontari e sotto supervisione di un medico dermatologo. Per aproffondimenti visita il sito :


Le compresse deglutibili sono una forma classica di integratori alimentari, progettate per essere ingerite facilmente con un bicchiere d'acqua. Queste compresse offrono una concentrazione precisa di nutrienti, garantendo un dosaggio accurato e costante. Ideali per chi cerca un metodo semplice e diretto per integrare la propria dieta, le compresse deglutibili sono una scelta affidabile per molti consumatori.
Olej Jojoba

Olej Jojoba

Purity: 100% pure refined Packaging: We offer essential oils in bulk, sizes are glass bottles and barrels of 450ml, 1 litre, 20 litre and 50 litre quantities. Overview Jojoba oil is most commonly used for skin and hair products and it acts as a natural skin conditioner due to its waxy consistency. It is the ideal carrier oil to mix with other essential oils to apply for massages and other oil treatments. Common Uses Jojoba oil has a proven track record for treatment of acne, eczema and psoriasis. Due to its high oil content it is one of the best moisturising agents against cold and dry conditions. Pure Jojoba essential oil can be rubbed on the skin before bedtime which will not only moisturise the skin, but also act as a healing agent. This essential oil aids in the treatment of dandruff and dermatitis too – by massaging the scalp a few times a week. Recommended Storage The ideal storage of essential oils is to keep it refrigerated, as the fridge keeps the components that make up the oils at their optimal levels. If you don’t have space in the fridge, you can keep it in a cool, dark place. Essential oils have a shelf life of one to five years. You should however replace essential oils after three years to gain the most benefits out of the essential oils.


Anthocyanins are natural pigments found in various fruits and vegetables, offering a range of red, purple, and blue hues. These pigments are widely used in the food, beverage, and cosmetics industries to provide vibrant colors. As plant-based compounds, anthocyanins are ideal for products aimed at vegan and vegetarian consumers. EC number:600-954-3 CAS No:11029-12-2
Fraisier Mini-Tray Fraisiculteur - Cena dystrybutora - Hurtowy dostawca Fraisier Mini-Tray w cenach producenta ekologicznego i konwencjonalnego

Fraisier Mini-Tray Fraisiculteur - Cena dystrybutora - Hurtowy dostawca Fraisier Mini-Tray w cenach producenta ekologicznego i konwencjonalnego

Fraisiverse vous propose la plus large gamme variétale de fraisiers en France, incluant des fraisiers Frigo, Motte, Waiting Bed et Tray, le tout à prix producteur. Spécialiste de la vente en ligne, nous livrons partout en Europe toute l’année. Notre rapport qualité-prix est imbattable, avec un large choix de plants bio et conventionnels pour satisfaire fraisiculteurs et jardiniers. Nous offrons des devis gratuits et des conseils personnalisés pour vos projets de plantation. Notre service commercial est réactif et disponible 24h, avec un SAV de qualité. Faites confiance à Fraisiverse, votre partenaire fiable pour un approvisionnement continu et une expertise professionnelle. Site web : Fraisier Candiss, Capella, Capriss:Fraisier Charlotte, Chloe, Ciflorette Fraisier Cigaline, Cijosee, Cirafine:Fraisier Cireine, Dream, Gariguette Fraisier Gorella, Mara des Bois, Portola:Fraisier Rubis des Jardins, San Andreas, Senga-Sengana Fraisier Alba, Allegro, Aprica:Fraisier Asia, Bravura, Clery Fraisier Dahli, Daroyal, Darselect:Fraisier Dely, Elegance, Elsanta Fraisier Faith, Falco, Favori:Fraisier Flair, Florence, Florentina Fraisier Florice, Glorielle, Hademar:Fraisier Honeoye, Joly, Korona Fraisier Lambada, Lola, M.Centenary:Fraisier Magnus, Malga, Malling Centenary Fraisier Malwina, Marieka, Murano:Fraisier Ostara, Parlando, Polka Fraisier Renaissance, Rendezvous, Rendez-vous:Fraisier Rosaria, Rumba, Salsa Fraisier Senga Sengana, Seraphine, Sibilla:Fraisier Sonata, Sonsation, Symphony Fraisier Twist, Verdi, Magnum:Fraisier Twist, Verdi, Magnum Fraisier Favette, Gento, Mme Moutot:Fraisier Pajaro, Rabunda, Reine des Vallées Fraisier Surprise des Halles, Talisman, Vicomtesse Héricart de Thury:Fraisier Cantaliss, Cijosée,
Olej arganowy do dużej dystrybucji - Olej arganowy dla profesjonalistów

Olej arganowy do dużej dystrybucji - Olej arganowy dla profesjonalistów

Safran & Co. est un acteur majeur dans la distribution d'huile d'argan bio et de safran bio, des produits authentiques et d'excellence provenant directement du Maroc. En tant que grossiste, nous nous engageons à fournir des matières premières naturelles de la plus haute qualité, issues de l’agriculture biologique et du commerce équitable, destinées à une clientèle exigeante, qu’elle soit issue du secteur cosmétique, alimentaire ou pharmaceutique. Avec un savoir-faire ancestral et un réseau de producteurs locaux, Safran & Co. met un point d'honneur à garantir une traçabilité exemplaire et un respect des standards internationaux. Offrez à vos clients le meilleur du Maroc avec Safran & Co. : une huile d'argan bio aux vertus nourrissantes exceptionnelles et un safran bio de qualité supérieure, cultivés dans le respect des traditions et de l’environnement. Choisissez l'excellence naturelle, choisissez Safran & Co. !
Pudding Naturalny 8oz/236ml

Pudding Naturalny 8oz/236ml

Produit idéal pour assurer une belle structuration à vos boucles, locks, vanilles, twists et tresses. Les cheveux restent brillants, doux sans frisottis et les boucles bien vivantes. Hydrate en profondeur Structuration de qualité Ne laisse pas de résidus
Ekologiczny Proszek Guarana - Kupić Ekologiczny Proszek Guarana? | Hurtowy | VehGroshop | Luzem

Ekologiczny Proszek Guarana - Kupić Ekologiczny Proszek Guarana? | Hurtowy | VehGroshop | Luzem

Herkunft: Guarana ist der nussartige Samen eines Keimlings, der in Brasilien wächst. Dort wird Guarana als Energieergänzungsmittel verwendet und in Erfrischungsgetränken verarbeitet. Die Beere enthält einen höheren Koffeingehalt als Kaffee. Noch heute ist Guarana ein wesentlicher Bestandteil der Ernährung in ganz Brasilien, wo es als Nationalgetränk des Landes gilt. Mit der steigenden Nachfrage aus dem Ausland in den letzten Jahrzehnten ist Guarana zu einer idealen Kulturpflanze geworden, um das Einkommen der Bauern im Amazonasbecken aufzubessern. Die Bedeutung der Guarana-Industrie für Brasilien wird mit dem jährlichen Guarana-Festival in der Stadt Maues gefeiert. Zeitgleich mit der Ernte findet eine Woche mit Musik, Paraden und Festlichkeiten statt, die Besucher aus dem gesamten Amazonasgebiet anziehen. Beliebtheit erklärt Garana soll die Nebenniere zur Adrenalinproduktion anregen.
Ręcznik Hammam - Niebieski

Ręcznik Hammam - Niebieski

Hammam towel - Blue SKU:F4w-pea-bl Model:Peacock
Farmacia Skincare Essential Lotion Tonizująca - 150ml

Farmacia Skincare Essential Lotion Tonizująca - 150ml

Lozione viso senza alcool ad azione tonificante e riequilibrante, formulata per rimuovere le impurità e ripristinare il naturale equilibrio del pH della pelle. È attivo gli ingredienti includono succo di foglie di aloe barbadensis, con proprietà antinfiammatorie proprietà, estratto di echinacea, che protegge la pelle dallo stress ossidativo e aiuta a migliorarne l'idratazione e l'estratto di ginseng, che favorisce la circolazione sanguigna la circolazione della pelle, accelerando a sua volta la sintesi del collagene.
Mąka pszenna T450/T550

Mąka pszenna T450/T550

Pure Wheat Flour is a versatile and essential ingredient for any kitchen, whether for home cooking or professional baking. Made from 100% organic farmed wheat, this flour is finely milled to ensure a smooth texture and consistent quality. With a maximum moisture content of 14.5% and a fineness of 99.96%, our wheat flour is perfect for a wide range of recipes, from bread and pastries to sauces and gravies. Our Pure Wheat Flour is available in various packaging options, including 1 kg, 3 kg, 25 kg, and 50 kg bags, catering to both small-scale and large-scale needs. The flour is low in fat and contains no additives, making it a healthy choice for those conscious about their diet. With a shelf life of 12 months, you can be assured of its freshness and quality. Choose Pure Wheat Flour for a reliable and high-quality baking experience.
Milkyland mozzarella oryginalna

Milkyland mozzarella oryginalna

Milkyland mozzarella original is a classic cheese that embodies the essence of Italian cuisine. Known for its soft, creamy texture and mild flavor, this mozzarella is perfect for a variety of dishes, from pizzas and pastas to salads and appetizers. Its ability to melt beautifully makes it a favorite choice for chefs and home cooks alike, adding a touch of authenticity to any Italian-inspired meal. Crafted with the finest ingredients, Milkyland mozzarella original is a testament to quality and tradition. It is made from fresh milk, ensuring a rich taste and smooth consistency. This cheese is not only a culinary delight but also a nutritious option, packed with essential nutrients like calcium and protein. Whether you're preparing a gourmet dish or a simple snack, Milkyland mozzarella original is a versatile and delicious choice.
Guarana - superfood, organiczny, kofeina

Guarana - superfood, organiczny, kofeina

Il guaranà è una pianta originaria della regione amazzonica, in particolare del Brasile. È conosciuta per i suoi semi, che contengono una quantità significativa di caffeina, spesso superiore a quella dei chicchi di caffè. Il guaranà è comunemente utilizzata come stimolante naturale per migliorare l'energia e la concentrazione. La guaranà è comunemente utilizzata come stimolante naturale per migliorare l'energia e la concentrazione.
Zapalniczki do Grilla, Rozpalacze dla Dostawców Pieców na Drewno - 96 Kostek

Zapalniczki do Grilla, Rozpalacze dla Dostawców Pieców na Drewno - 96 Kostek

Ignite your fires effortlessly with WOODBIOMA Cube Firelighters. Each brown cube in this carton box is an eco-friendly marvel, providing a robust 8-minute burn time to start your fires quickly and safely. Made exclusively from biomass with no added chemicals, these firelighters are non-toxic and have no unpleasant odors. They're perfect for indoor or outdoor use, ensuring a clean and environmentally responsible burn every time. Whether you're kindling a campfire, barbecue, or cozy hearth, these cubes are your go-to for a reliable, natural flame. Burning time 8 minutes Number of cubes per plate - 32 Weight of a plate 160 grams Plate Size - 175x115x17 mm
Peeling do ciała 200 ml - Certyfikowany organiczny - AVRIL

Peeling do ciała 200 ml - Certyfikowany organiczny - AVRIL

This Avril certified organic body scrub contains organic rice powder for an effective and gentle scrub. Thanks to its organic white lilac extract, it leaves your skin with a fresh and delicate scent. Dimensions:4,9 x 4,9 x 16 cm Poids net:0.246 Volume:200ml
pieces organiczny olej z oliwek extra virgin

pieces organiczny olej z oliwek extra virgin

Traceable from the olive tree blockchain Cold pressed below 22° Extra virgin olive oil Organic Unfiltered without additives Very suitable for cooking
Mydełko z mleka osła - 110g - Mleko osła

Mydełko z mleka osła - 110g - Mleko osła

The soap Donkey milk is a multifunctional soap made from real donkey milk combined with pure virgin olive oil. Natural oils in the soap provide deep hydration, giving you soft and supple skin. This soap is safe to use for your face, hands and body. Rich nutrients Donkey milk is rich in vitamins, proteins, minerals, fatty acids, active enzymes and coenzymes that nourish, hydrate and soften the skin. Donkey milk provides rich hydration and an effective anti-wrinkle effect. This Donkey milk soap helps in the treatment of dry skin and relieves skin complaints such as acne, allergies, eczema, psoriasis or atopic dermatitis. The various vitamins ensure a healthier skin and help to improve the skin structure and cell renewal. Fatty acids from donkey milk have a calming effect on the skin, which is ideal for sensitive or irritated skin. Characteristics Free from mineral oil Propylene glycol free Paraben free Vaseline free Biological Made in Europe 110 gram Brand:Bodyfarm, Donkey Milk Values :Organic, Cruelty Free, Cruelty Free, Eco-Friendly, Environmentally Friendly, Natural, Paraben Free Origin:Greece Weight in Grams:110 Ingredients:CI 77891, Etidronic Acid, Donkey Milk, Glycerin,, Sodium Chloride, Sodium Palmate SKU:5204702020136
Bio sok z cytryny w proszku

Bio sok z cytryny w proszku

Unsere Saftpulver werden mit Hilfe eines innovativen Verfahrens unter Rohkostbedingungen hergestellt. Dies bedeutet, dass das Produkt zu keiner Zeit höheren Temperaturen als 41°C und niedrigeren Temperaturen als 1°C ausgesetzt wird. So können wir gewährleisten, dass nahezu alle Vitamine, Mineralien, sowie Farbe und Geschmack im Pulver erhalten bleiben.
Szafa do przechowywania 40kWh Pytes V5 - Akcesoria do przechowywania baterii

Szafa do przechowywania 40kWh Pytes V5 - Akcesoria do przechowywania baterii

Produktinformationen "Speicherschrank 40kWh Pytes V5" Der hochwertige Speicherschrank 40kWh Pytes V5 ist speziell für die Aufbewahrung von acht Pytes V5 Batterien mit jeweils 5,12 kWh konzipiert, was eine Gesamtkapazität von 40kWh ergibt. Dieses robuste Lagerungssystem ist ideal für Organisationen, die Wert auf Sicherheit und Effizienz legen. Hauptmerkmale: Stabile Bauweise:Der Schrank besteht aus perforiertem Stahlblech, das ihm sowohl Stabilität als auch Sicherheit verleiht. Ein abschließbarer Türgriff mit Zylinderschloss schützt Ihre Batterien vor unbefugtem Zugriff. Optimierte Raumnutzung:Acht spezielle Montageschienen sind für Batterien vorgesehen wodurch die Raumnutzung maximiert wird. Flexibler Türanschlag:Die Türen des Schrankes können sowohl rechts als auch links angeschlagen werden und öffnen sich jeweils um mindestens 120°, was einen leichten Zugang ermöglicht. Produktnummer:IVG202407003 Hersteller:IVG Energy Solutions
Cieczy organiczny nawóz - BeneLIQ 3-0-7

Cieczy organiczny nawóz - BeneLIQ 3-0-7

BeneLIQ 3-0-7 is a liquid organic fertilizer, composed of 100% natural products that can increase the plant’s yield and the quality of vegetables, fruits and flowers. Due to the nature of BeneLIQ 3-0-7, a quick effect on the soil can be noted. This strong effect on soil microbiology leads to a great diversity in beneficial bacteria and fungi. These organisms compete with negative soil microbes and, on their turn, result in more fertility. The interaction with the root surface brings about a healthier plant which is less sensitive to diseases. The chain of processes in the soil creates a better availability of important minerals and trace elements. The BeneLIQ 3-0-7 is particularly suitable for crops that demand a high rate of potassium and trace elements, with a strong stimulation of flowering and fruit setting. It can be used as a foliar application as well as in an irrigation application. Certified for use in organic agriculture in compliance with EC 834/2007 and EC 889/2008. Liquid:1,25 kg/liter Dry matter 60%:Organic matter 39% Viscosity 150 cps at 20°C:pH 6-8
Surowy czarny organiczny konopie

Surowy czarny organiczny konopie

Mortalhas Raw black organic hemp King Size > Mortalhas por Pacote: 32
ORGANICZNY proszek z grzybów migdałowych z Brazylii - Chem2Market GmbH

ORGANICZNY proszek z grzybów migdałowych z Brazylii - Chem2Market GmbH

Quality: for foodstuffs Processed plant part: Fruit body Extraction agent: Ethanol & water Carrier: Maltodextrin Scientific name: Agaricus blazei murrill The Brazilian almond mushroom is a mushroom native to Brazil and other tropical regions and is prized for its unique flavor and culinary value. The Brazilian almond mushroom is being studied in traditional medicine for its health benefits due to its potential health-promoting properties. Our products are sold in bulk. There is a minimum order quantity of 25kg for most of our products. Samples can be provided. Plants2Market is also BIO, HACCP and DIN EN ISO 9001 certified. We also offer the following products: Acerola Field bean Field horsetail African black bean Elecampane Alpha lipoic acid Amla Artichoke Ashwagandha Astaxanthin Valerian Bamboo Beta Glucan ORGANIC Birch leaf ORGANIC Brazilian almond ORGANIC Nettle ORGANIC Broccoli
Skrobia ziemniaczana

Skrobia ziemniaczana

El almidón de papa se obtiene mediante la separación mecánica de otras partes de la papa mediante enjuague, limpieza, secado y tamizado. El producto final es insoluble en agua fría. En la industria alimentaria, el almidón de maíz es el ingrediente de guisos, sopas, rellenos para pasteles, comidas preparadas, postres, cremas de panadería, conservas de carne y pescado y quesos rallados preenvasados. También se utiliza en budines y jaleas. El almidón de maíz se usa para mejorar la textura crujiente como componente de rebozados, empanados, mezclas de recubrimiento y polvos tempura.
Suszone Pomidory: Proszek

Suszone Pomidory: Proszek

Sun Dried Tomatoes: Powder Sourcing from the finest dried ripe tomatoes, our Tomato Powder is very convenient when a recipe calls for the tomato flavor, but you don’t have any in the pantry. Can be used in a variety of different sauces, soups, pasta and more.
Mąka słonecznikowa w BIG BAG z dostawą

Mąka słonecznikowa w BIG BAG z dostawą

Гранулиран слънчогледов шрот в Big Bag с тегло 1 тон. Параметри на продукта: • Протеин: 39% • Влажност: до 10,4% • Мазнини: 1,4% • Фибри: 22,8% Цена: • 1250 PLN за Big Bag, с доставка до провинцията. Mazowiecki или района около Бяла Подляска. Минимална поръчка от 22 тона - пълни количества, плащане след доставка на стоката. Допълнителна информация: • Сертификати за изтегляне и повече снимки на продукти можете да намерите на нашия уебсайт:; • Офертата идва от полска фирма; • Възможност за издаване на фактура по ДДС. Моля, свържете се с нас: 503#577#909 Обадете ни се и ни уведомете мястото за доставка и ние ще изчислим цената. Ние гарантираме кратки срокове за доставка и професионално обслужване. минимална поръчка:23 тона
Organiczny olej Sacha Inchi w beczce 60 litrów - Roślinny olej do gotowania w beczce 60 litrów dla przemysłu spożywczego

Organiczny olej Sacha Inchi w beczce 60 litrów - Roślinny olej do gotowania w beczce 60 litrów dla przemysłu spożywczego

Sacha-Inchi-Öl im zylindrischen 60-Liter-Metallfass der Marke Shanantina ist im Vertrieb für den europäischen und internationalen Markt erhältlich. Beez ist Importeur, Händler und Großhändler dieses hochwertigen Bio-Lebensmittel-Pflanzenöls. Dieses Pflanzenöl ist ein Lebensmittelprodukt, das aus den geschälten und kalt gepressten (erste Kaltpressung) Sacha-Inchi-Samen hergestellt wird. Sacha-Inchi-Öl ist reich an Omega-3-, -6- und -9-Fettsäuren sowie an Vitamin A und E. Betroffene Wirtschaftssektoren : - Lebensmittel- und Getränkeindustrie - Kosmetikbranche Versand: Primärverpackung: Zylinder aus kaltgewalztem Stahl, innen mit Valspar EHD002 Epoxyphenollack beschichtet. Lagerung : Haltbarkeit: 18 Monate bei optimalen Lagerbedingungen in einem geschlossenen Behälter.
Kawa Gwatemala - Kawa

Kawa Gwatemala - Kawa

Les cafés pur arabica du Guatemala figurent parmi les plus fins du monde. Provenant de plantations biologiques, ce pur arabica révèle à la torréfaction de délicates notes fruitées.
Olej eteryczny Lavandin Super - BIO/Konwencjonalny

Olej eteryczny Lavandin Super - BIO/Konwencjonalny

El aceite esencial de lavandin Super (Lavandula hybrida) se obtiene de la destilación al vapor de las flores y hojas de la planta. Es una especie híbrida entre la lavanda (Lavandula angustifolia) y la espliego (Lavandula latifolia) y se cultiva principalmente en Francia y España. El aceite esencial de lavandin Super es un aceite esencial de alta calidad y ampliamente utilizado en la industria de la perfumería, cosmética y aromaterapia por sus propiedades relajantes y calmantes. Se obtiene a través de la destilación al vapor de las flores y hojas de la planta y se utiliza en una variedad de productos de cuidado personal y para el hogar.
Granulowany Nawóz z Kurczaka - Nawóz

Granulowany Nawóz z Kurczaka - Nawóz

N 3.5-4.2%, P 2.5-3%, K 1.5-2%, Ca 2.5%, Mg 0.7%, Organic matter 60-75%, pH 9.5
Truskawka - MelioraFresh

Truskawka - MelioraFresh

Can be provided in plastic or carton boxes